Jeden z dlhodobejších projektov už naberá kontúry. Kompletná prestavba 4.2 motora pre Jaguar E-type (FHC) sa blíži ku koncu ?
Visit Los Angeles
We recently visited friends warehouse in L.A. Contact us and we will find you a perfect car!
P&P Motors Team,
Máme pre vás ďalší krásny ?
Jaguar E-type SII FHC "hotrod" style.
Mercedes-Benz 190 SL
Mercedes-Benz 190 SL z roku 1958 vo veľmi žiadanej farebnej kombinácii.
Len my vám vieme ponúknuť tento exluzívny a krásny kus. V minulosti bola robená rozsiahla rekonštrukcia, ktorá vyzerá stále dobre. Posledný majiteľ ju má 15 rokov a k autu je kompletná história a dokumentácia. Cena je 76.900,-€ vrátane prepravy z US, preclenia a prepravy na našu/vašu adresu.
Pre viac informácií nás prosím kontaktujte.
Chasing Classic Car
We buy in California at our long-time partner. If you are interested in beautiful classics, whether preserved or restored, just choose from a rich offer.
View the menuHERE.
And we’ll get you all the rest.
Super Carrera 911SC
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Super Carrera 911SC Targa from 1978 is already looking forward to the new owner.
Reconstruction of the 4.5 V8 engine
Reconstruction of the 4.5 V8 engine M117 from Mercedes-Benz 280SEL W108 is coming to a successful end. We’re just missing the car.
2015 Ford Mustang 3.7
Something for hot summer nights ? This is the perfect summer car. This 2015 Ford Mustang Convertible 3.7 V6 A/T is about to arrive, get it today for a great price ! ***SOLD!***
Mercedes-Benz 280 SEL 4.5 (W108)
Our next project is this Mercedes-Benz 280SEL W108, which has just began. Follow us, to see the progress. Final result should be worth it !